COMIRNATY is FDA licensed and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is EUA. They are legally distinct. The military personnel can only be ordered to receive the FDA licensed product.
Until recent years, enlisted soldiers would be among the healthiest, and most physically fit, portion of the population. I don't know how watered down that has become, but even considering that, their age, health, and fitness levels, would put them at such a low risk of dying, or even requiring hospitalization, from covid, as to make requiring "vaccinations" against covid, ridiculous. And now, fully knowing the shots are not preventing covid, it's beyond ridiculous!
COMIRNATY is FDA licensed and Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine is EUA. They are legally distinct. The military personnel can only be ordered to receive the FDA licensed product.
Until recent years, enlisted soldiers would be among the healthiest, and most physically fit, portion of the population. I don't know how watered down that has become, but even considering that, their age, health, and fitness levels, would put them at such a low risk of dying, or even requiring hospitalization, from covid, as to make requiring "vaccinations" against covid, ridiculous. And now, fully knowing the shots are not preventing covid, it's beyond ridiculous!
Which does not yet exist, it literally has not been manufactured.
And if it's FDA licensed, there is now legal liability for any side effects.