Fair enough. How does that square with the claims that some have made that they've found graphene oxide in some of the shots they've tested? If some have found that, and this much testing is happening, wouldn't more find it? Do you think those claims are bunk?
I actually do think the graphene oxide thing is bullshit. The "big story" about this seems to be a single laboratory that testing a vial and says they MAY have found graphene oxide in it.
It was labeled as a COVID vaccine, but it arrived by courier. From somewhere. They don't know where, and never verified that it was actually a vaccine they tested. Literally anything could have been in that bottle, which is why the report just calls it an "aqueous suspension", not a vaccine.
In laymen terms, that means, "this is a substance that has water in it, and we don't know much else."
Here is the exact lab report that was mentioned in the viral clip about this:
Don't take my word for it. Read it yourself. Right at the top, the report explains they have no fucking clue what this vial is or where it came from.
So yeah, I don't accept a belief based on a single lab doing a single test on a single vial of unknown mystery liquid that came from somewhere unknown. To each their own.
No I appreciate your take immensely. Tell me though, you sort of laid out the quality testing processes that the vaccine goes through. Is that just from your knowledge of how things normally work or do you know for a fact somehow that such testing is occurring for this vaccine in a widespread manner?
I just trust these pharma companies so little at this moment that I don't want to give them any benefit of any doubt without some real proof, if at all possible.
What I know is that science is not NEARLY as cooperative as people here believe. I don't like to dox details of myself, but I am fairly well-studied in some scientific fields and know that scientists have no real loyalty to one another.
Einstein is not famous because he agreed with the narrative. He's famous because he came up with a theory of physics that fucked up the theory of one of the most famous scientists in history, Newton.
Scientists want to be the next Einstein. They WANT to destroy the theory of evolution. They WANT to destroy the notion of climate change.
They want to be the one that shows proof that the world is different than everyone thinks it is. Just about every scientist who ever lived wants this.
This is why peer review and scientific consensus is so treasured. Because every scientist wants to be the one that proves the consensus is bullshit. So if they actually all do agree on something, there's a pretty good chance that's the best data we have.
You will find NO friendship from me toward big pharma. I've spent a LONG time arguing against the influence they have over many aspects of society.
But I absolutely trust that if this vaccine did anything other than what it said on the box, we'd know about it as soon as the technology existed to prove it. Because the scientist that shows the vaccine is a poison, or a placebo, or literally anything other than a life-saving vaccine is going to be HUGE.
And scientists would slit each other's throats to be the one to break that proof. To make a name for yourself in science, you have to compete with and win against everyone else who ALSO wants to "beat the system." Scientists have NO incentive to keep secrets for each other if they aren't working for the same company.
And very, very few scientists work for any given company, considering how many scientists actually exist.
So I don't trust a pharmaceutical company to tell me the truth.
I do trust that some no-name chemist working out of a university laboratory who is looking for his big break would figure this out almost immediately if the vaccine wasn't real. If I had the equipment, I would do it myself right now just to give you guys evidence one way or the other.
I have faith that scientists are WAY more competitive than Q people give them credit for. To keep some sort of Illumanti science secret would only benefit a few people, and would cost literally 99.999% of scientists who would be keeping that secret rather than becoming rich and famous by proving the conspiracy. There's nothing a Cabal could offer that many people that would be worth more to a scientist than exposing them.
Also, I'm not avoiding your question regarding specific knowledge of testing procedures. I'm just not sure that me showing you quality assurance medical data from these companies (who are audited by angry third parties routinely) is likely to be convincing to anyone here who believes these companies are all working together to fake that exact kind of data.
Can you tell me there's a source of data that says the vaccine has been tested and safe that you would accept? I'm not looking to convince you to take the vaccine, but I'm also not sure exactly what data you would consider misinformation or proof. .
They want to be the one that shows proof that the world is different than everyone thinks it is. Just about every scientist who ever lived wants this.
I'm sure that's totally true. But with the way media censors people, the way funding for studies works, the way so many people who make breakthroughs suddenly commit suicide...you really don't think there's anything stopping them? You really think we can trust the body of peer-reviewed literature, and even the medical research community at large, to give us the truth, even when they have it, given what just happened to America's Frontline Doctors?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but honestly I'm shocked to hear this viewpoint on this board, especially from a mod. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it would be great if you could explain to me how I am. Or at least, how I'm misunderstanding you.
Fair enough. How does that square with the claims that some have made that they've found graphene oxide in some of the shots they've tested? If some have found that, and this much testing is happening, wouldn't more find it? Do you think those claims are bunk?
I actually do think the graphene oxide thing is bullshit. The "big story" about this seems to be a single laboratory that testing a vial and says they MAY have found graphene oxide in it.
It was labeled as a COVID vaccine, but it arrived by courier. From somewhere. They don't know where, and never verified that it was actually a vaccine they tested. Literally anything could have been in that bottle, which is why the report just calls it an "aqueous suspension", not a vaccine.
In laymen terms, that means, "this is a substance that has water in it, and we don't know much else."
Here is the exact lab report that was mentioned in the viral clip about this:
Don't take my word for it. Read it yourself. Right at the top, the report explains they have no fucking clue what this vial is or where it came from.
So yeah, I don't accept a belief based on a single lab doing a single test on a single vial of unknown mystery liquid that came from somewhere unknown. To each their own.
No I appreciate your take immensely. Tell me though, you sort of laid out the quality testing processes that the vaccine goes through. Is that just from your knowledge of how things normally work or do you know for a fact somehow that such testing is occurring for this vaccine in a widespread manner?
I just trust these pharma companies so little at this moment that I don't want to give them any benefit of any doubt without some real proof, if at all possible.
What I know is that science is not NEARLY as cooperative as people here believe. I don't like to dox details of myself, but I am fairly well-studied in some scientific fields and know that scientists have no real loyalty to one another.
Einstein is not famous because he agreed with the narrative. He's famous because he came up with a theory of physics that fucked up the theory of one of the most famous scientists in history, Newton.
Scientists want to be the next Einstein. They WANT to destroy the theory of evolution. They WANT to destroy the notion of climate change.
They want to be the one that shows proof that the world is different than everyone thinks it is. Just about every scientist who ever lived wants this.
This is why peer review and scientific consensus is so treasured. Because every scientist wants to be the one that proves the consensus is bullshit. So if they actually all do agree on something, there's a pretty good chance that's the best data we have.
You will find NO friendship from me toward big pharma. I've spent a LONG time arguing against the influence they have over many aspects of society.
But I absolutely trust that if this vaccine did anything other than what it said on the box, we'd know about it as soon as the technology existed to prove it. Because the scientist that shows the vaccine is a poison, or a placebo, or literally anything other than a life-saving vaccine is going to be HUGE.
And scientists would slit each other's throats to be the one to break that proof. To make a name for yourself in science, you have to compete with and win against everyone else who ALSO wants to "beat the system." Scientists have NO incentive to keep secrets for each other if they aren't working for the same company.
And very, very few scientists work for any given company, considering how many scientists actually exist.
So I don't trust a pharmaceutical company to tell me the truth.
I do trust that some no-name chemist working out of a university laboratory who is looking for his big break would figure this out almost immediately if the vaccine wasn't real. If I had the equipment, I would do it myself right now just to give you guys evidence one way or the other.
I have faith that scientists are WAY more competitive than Q people give them credit for. To keep some sort of Illumanti science secret would only benefit a few people, and would cost literally 99.999% of scientists who would be keeping that secret rather than becoming rich and famous by proving the conspiracy. There's nothing a Cabal could offer that many people that would be worth more to a scientist than exposing them.
Also, I'm not avoiding your question regarding specific knowledge of testing procedures. I'm just not sure that me showing you quality assurance medical data from these companies (who are audited by angry third parties routinely) is likely to be convincing to anyone here who believes these companies are all working together to fake that exact kind of data.
Can you tell me there's a source of data that says the vaccine has been tested and safe that you would accept? I'm not looking to convince you to take the vaccine, but I'm also not sure exactly what data you would consider misinformation or proof. .
I'm sure that's totally true. But with the way media censors people, the way funding for studies works, the way so many people who make breakthroughs suddenly commit suicide...you really don't think there's anything stopping them? You really think we can trust the body of peer-reviewed literature, and even the medical research community at large, to give us the truth, even when they have it, given what just happened to America's Frontline Doctors?
Maybe I'm misunderstanding you but honestly I'm shocked to hear this viewpoint on this board, especially from a mod. I'm not saying you're wrong, but it would be great if you could explain to me how I am. Or at least, how I'm misunderstanding you.