Mike Flynn tells us: If you sit and allow this moment in history to bypass you, you are complicit in helping America fail.
Mike Flynn to us https://t.me/RealGenFlynn/590 :
Many people ask me what they should do. My first response is to stop complaining. Whatever you think your talents are, whatever resources you have, whatever your personal situation is, if you sit and allow this moment in history to bypass you, you are complicit in helping America fail.
could have just said "I don't have any idea how to lead"
2 million people showed up to DC because trump fucking asked.
2 million people went home when Trump asked (and some are hunted like dogs to this day for it)
but I bet 2 million more would show up if he asked again.
Leaders know exactly who to ask to do what, and they inspire action.
"figure it out and do stuff" is a pretty bad swan song for a dude who seemed close to Trump
Art of war. Cmon man we know this stuff
"Appear weak when you are weak"
I would go back and read it again if I was you