posted ago by 11Jeffs ago by 11Jeffs +8 / -0

I wanted to put this out there. I don't watch the bullshit TV and I've had it with the tyranny as most of you. This has been a wild ride to say the least. I live in one of the biggest counties in my Country and the asscrack of our enemy.

During the beginning fear porn and lockdowns I hardly knew anyone sick. I have a huge network and knew from day 1 this was bullshit. When you train wrestling 4 times a week and get sweat and blood all over you from a bunch of random guys who live their own lives yet no one got sick. No stories from anyone about sick family members etc... A pandemic so bad that we must wear face masks and stand 6 feet apart yet a bunch of sweaty men fucking each other up are just fine.

Skip to today and we are in summer which is not typical flu season. My mother and father both got jabbed and then got sick and tested positive. You would imagine this could finally wake them up but no they are still matrix robots. The standard fear based mind controlled Mom and "what can I do" Dad. My brother, sister, wife and myself all did get sick as well. None of us jabbed of course. We all healed fine but it really was a flu/cold. My sister tested and it said positive "of course" but brother, wife and myself did not test and never will.

I don't know if I have a point here other than to ask if any of you have been through similar situations? I really am starting to think those jabbed could be causing sickness. This same bug has gone through a ton of my local family, friends and neighbors. Those jabbed and those not jabbed. Also, I have a friends wife who has had extremely odd periods which I have realized is happening all over the country and world. Can any of you relate?