Many of us have debated the exact meaning of a few drops that say(loosely) "The military is the only way". I'm just curious how pissed off my fellow Vets,retired and active, are now going to be. This proclamation from DoD also has wording that suggests all Vet's must get the jab or lose V.A. benefits. Now we're talking millions of pissed off,well trained people. Could this attack on our military be the straw that breaks the camels back? I'm not saying this is what Q absolutely meant, but it does fit pretty well. Opinions?
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I dont think they would leave it to individuals to fight back. I believe there is a plan. Just got to finish the movie. Hopefully the next scenes are action packed.
I meant more along the lines of take the forced vax or get dishonorably discharged being the catalyst to fire up the folks in the service to rise up against the CiC and friends.
Very plausible imo.
To me, it proves the deep state is in the pentagon.
Or could this be a DS move to significantly degrade operational readiness? Demoralize the troops with the Afghanistan situation. Push them even more with the vaccine mandate. If tens of thousands refuse how will the DS respond? Medical Discharges? How many units would be unable to function if that happens?
According to the Pentagon notice, they will possibly receive Dishonorable Discharges, which carry most of the same penalties as a Felony in the civilian world.