Ask them to show you data that includes comorbidity, terminal/non-terminal status of patients in ICU and those that passed, repeat hospitalizations, repeat ICU, nursing home figures, and exact, detailed break downs of the unvaxxed vs vaxxed figures they release for hospitalizations and ICU these days.
They'll NEVER respond with the data cause it doesn't exist. And when they can't find it or you inform them of why it doesn't exist, ask them why.
When they can't answer that, ask them "if 100 people are in ICU and 80 are unvaxxed but have chronic sickness, are terminal and dying regardless, 20 are vaxxed but otherwise healthy, is covid the real issue here?"
Then ask them to find you the stats for the above example. As in, tell them to show you the break down of the unvaxxed vs vaxxed in ICU.
I know it's longer and more complicated, but I've stumped, dead in her tracks, my nurse cousin who runs her gums to the family like the retard she is trying to emotionally drag everyone into the vaccine. I've made her cry over this.
Ask them to show you data that includes comorbidity, terminal/non-terminal status of patients in ICU and those that passed, repeat hospitalizations, repeat ICU, nursing home figures, and exact, detailed break downs of the unvaxxed vs vaxxed figures they release for hospitalizations and ICU these days.
They'll NEVER respond with the data cause it doesn't exist. And when they can't find it or you inform them of why it doesn't exist, ask them why.
When they can't answer that, ask them "if 100 people are in ICU and 80 are unvaxxed but have chronic sickness, are terminal and dying regardless, 20 are vaxxed but otherwise healthy, is covid the real issue here?"
Then ask them to find you the stats for the above example. As in, tell them to show you the break down of the unvaxxed vs vaxxed in ICU.
I know it's longer and more complicated, but I've stumped, dead in her tracks, my nurse cousin who runs her gums to the family like the retard she is trying to emotionally drag everyone into the vaccine. I've made her cry over this.
Yours is a lot more comprehensive than mine. I usually just say
Love watching their heads explode at that.
That's some good kek right there