What's happening here is I'm playing two tones, both 432 simultaneously. One is 90° offset, which normally cancels out the first tone. The same logic is used for Noise Canceling applications such as Noise Canceling Headphones.
In other words, by adding two sounds, you can subtract them.
I did this to find a base-line. 432 is said to be the Universal Tone, so why not start there? 1.17 Hz is the frequency of a resting heartbeat.
I added a 1.17 Hz Frequency Modulation on top of the Sine tone. Doing this created a womp-warble, for lack of a better term. By tweaking the same 1.17 Hz modulation on the Cosine 432 Hz, I just barely canceled the two tones out, which left me with a very clear womp-womp.
After hearing it, I came to an epiphany of sorts. Is this the correct way to "pronounce" YHWH? Is this what ancient scholars discovered and decided was the Name of the Creator?
Whether or not that's what they discovered, the nature of tones is interesting nonetheless.
Also had one that just asked if Music could heal and linked to a, Two Steps From Hell song. Heh, I just went and listened tot he song again, now it sounds like they are chanting YHVH to me now that you put this into my head on thought. heh. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2iC1aCPbKA