35 Why did Trump take the Jab when he HAD COVID???????? posted 3 years ago by justkev 3 years ago by justkev +39 / -4 67 comments share 67 comments share save hide report block hide replies
Bullshit..........he did not say any such thing in the video below.
He talks about creating the 3 jabs, he says he took it and says YOU SHOULD TOO
He never did say which one he took and why did he not do it on camera like everyone else?
That's not the point.........he told his supporters to take the JAB... one of the 3 he helped create.
what should he have done? tell everyone don't take it and have big pharma funded fake news talk about it every minute of every day? plus that's how you get libs to fully turn on the unvaxxed. add TDS to Covid hype. Misinformation is necessary.
Say nothing......... HE BROUGHT IT UP.
Here is the perfect response:
People need to do the research and decide what works best for their health and their families health.
Not.... "Take THE JAB"
"I did.......even though I didn't have to since I already had something that works better......my own body's immunity"
yikes,,,,,,,we are fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucked