Does anyone have live footage of the explosion(s) yet?
Piled WHOLE bodies from a massive explosion? There should be many body parts and total carnage. Explosions large enough to kill 30 people DISPERSE bodies and body parts. They don't stack them. Not believable.
The huge amount of blood on some victims who are still walking and have all their limbs, also, not believable.
I agree, it didn't look real.
reminded me of how I felt with sandy hook, like something was off with the official story.
kind of like Kim Jong, we feared NK for years and it turned out to be a fake situation, makes me wonder about Afghanistan too.
funny how these countries 'act up' at the perfect time...
was it the red smoke flare or the firehose spraying water on nothing that tipped you off?
yep that ^ and the way he says Tollybon. like he's about to start singing 🐒🏝