Checked the local feed store, none.
Checked the website known for supplying tractors, also none.
Every online resource (tbf I only went through 3-4) for locating 1.78% Ivermectin paste is just... gone.
I got some in the mail, but hot dang does this A. Confirm this actually works & B. Tells me things are beginning to heat up.
I believe Quercetin and Zinc are a good combo alternative.
I’ve been seeing a lot of people take it to diagnose other problems. I’m an extremely healthy 24 year old male, workout, diet etc... I had a seizure or stroke in bed 2 years ago, since then I’ve been left with permanent migraines on the left side of my head, ZERO energy all the time, and severe brain fog. I’ve done every test imaginable at the hospital, they didn’t find a thing. I started taking ivermectin 1 week ago, I pooped out warms, and have been feeling the best I’ve ever had in the past 2 years. Wonder drug for everything, I don’t even think about using it cause of covid.
I remember, years ago, my parents talking about how some people would periodically deworm themselves. It use to be a common practice at least for some. Typically those who had immigrated from Western Europe. Germans in my family.
That’s amazing.
Some German toilets are flat bottomed so you can see any fecal worms exiting your rusty star.
With NAC, Vit B3 and Vit C. Belt and braces.