posted ago by GDZeus ago by GDZeus +14 / -0

Could the kids they have been talking about that supposedly have c-19, actually have this RSV - Respiratory Syncytail Virus?

I’m wondering if they are pushing the kids c-19 numbers up when actually the kids could have this other virus instead.

Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) is a common lower respiratory tract infection that’s highly contagious that affects children. While adults can also develop RSV infections, it’s most common in young children, especially premature infants and children who have underlying lung disease, heart disease or problems with their immune systems.


From the CDC on RSV...


From CNN (I know ugh cnn, I actually saw it on our local Fox News so I looked it up on their site but couldn’t find it)

The CDC warned doctors last June of a growing number of cases of RSV across the US South. CDC data show a continuing upsurge of RSV across the rest of the country now.


CDC’s warning ...
