According to the info we've been given, 11.3 from the Law of War Manual as the first marker. This is when Occupation ends; The Xiden-China Insurrection ends and the Military take-over begins. Does anyone have a date or any sauce, Q decode info on when we can expect 11.3?
We have Devolution, Law of War Manual and Q Posts. Now we have this fake and defiant Administration starting WWIII! Horrific! When will we have some relief from these evil tyrants? Please leave your speculations, comments and any other info that may be relative. THX FRENS!
The only serious date fag I read recently is from X22 and it wasn't a direct date fag from the aspect of Dave telling us something is going to happen. But I find it interesting that the Executive order of 2018 that declared a national emergency was set to expire Sept 11th 2020 but was extended by a Trump EO for 1 additional year. That national emergency extension expires Sept 12th, 2021 unless it gets extended again. As you likely know, FEMA gets extraordinary powers during a national emergency and the guy Trump put into place at FEMA is still there, IIRC. So I find that date interesting from the aspect that the chess board changes if that extension isn't forthcoming and if the white hats set that date as an expiration date, they must have had a reason for it.