All of our work over the past 20 years has been lost overnight. Only God understands how much pain we have and how broken our hearts are. Our hearts ache for our beautiful country. It has now been destroyed by this savage and extremist group. Every precious thing of value in our nation is now destroyed. The whole world has abandoned us. Those who said they support us have now abandoned us to the worst situation imaginable. I don't know what is going to happen to us."
Why are you sharing this? You have a Muslim nation, who has told people until they are blue in the face “hey fuckers, we only want Islam here, we don’t want Christianity, get the hell off our land because you are desiccating our land and making it unholy”
To them, Islam is the #1 faith... regardless of how we feel here in the US... I can DEFINITELY remember everyone feeling very offended when mosques were popping up all over the USA.
I’m not any religion. I have god, and my spirituality, I don’t need man telling me how to give my life to my creator. My creator tells me every path I need to walk down, he is my light.. I don’t need to be a Christian for that, I don’t need to be catholic, or Mormon, or Islam... however, these people do. And to them, it’s worth dying for.
You cannot fit a square peg into a round hole. Christians are UNWANTED to them. Why are Americans soooo fucking dead set on making sure Christianity thrives in a place where literally NOBODY WANTS IT. It’s a seriously inconvenient truth for so many of you. We’ve already have Christian/Islam intersection everywhere on this planet, these people want their home left alone and they are willing to fucking kill you for that..
Now maybe I’m just a little more rational than most, but when someone asks me to leave them alone that’s what I do... I don’t grab a stick and beat them with it for 30 years.
Just compare a typical place where Christianity dominates to a typical place where Islam dominates. I think you will soon understand people's thinking on the subject.
You don’t even understand how overbearing and controlling you just sounded in your comment.. saying that you don’t care what they worship, it’s your job to invade their home and force a new religion down their throat...
That’s freaking wild to me... I’m not Islamic, but if you came to me, to my face and spouted off some shit like that... it wouldn’t end well for you...
This is the problem with Christianity, you force your opinions down people’s throats to the point you’ll invade their home lands for it... to the point it’s extremely rude. You’re extremely rude... you are disrespectful towards other humans who are just trying to live their lives with their own religion.
These people will fucking kill you and I don’t blame them for doing so...
A Message From the Underground Church in Afghanistan
Why are you sharing this? You have a Muslim nation, who has told people until they are blue in the face “hey fuckers, we only want Islam here, we don’t want Christianity, get the hell off our land because you are desiccating our land and making it unholy”
To them, Islam is the #1 faith... regardless of how we feel here in the US... I can DEFINITELY remember everyone feeling very offended when mosques were popping up all over the USA.
I’m not any religion. I have god, and my spirituality, I don’t need man telling me how to give my life to my creator. My creator tells me every path I need to walk down, he is my light.. I don’t need to be a Christian for that, I don’t need to be catholic, or Mormon, or Islam... however, these people do. And to them, it’s worth dying for.
You cannot fit a square peg into a round hole. Christians are UNWANTED to them. Why are Americans soooo fucking dead set on making sure Christianity thrives in a place where literally NOBODY WANTS IT. It’s a seriously inconvenient truth for so many of you. We’ve already have Christian/Islam intersection everywhere on this planet, these people want their home left alone and they are willing to fucking kill you for that..
Now maybe I’m just a little more rational than most, but when someone asks me to leave them alone that’s what I do... I don’t grab a stick and beat them with it for 30 years.
These are muslims who converted. Afghanistan is their country, too. But you obviously don't care.
Just compare a typical place where Christianity dominates to a typical place where Islam dominates. I think you will soon understand people's thinking on the subject.
I just don’t understand why we need to interfere in other countries.
You don’t even understand how overbearing and controlling you just sounded in your comment.. saying that you don’t care what they worship, it’s your job to invade their home and force a new religion down their throat...
That’s freaking wild to me... I’m not Islamic, but if you came to me, to my face and spouted off some shit like that... it wouldn’t end well for you...
This is the problem with Christianity, you force your opinions down people’s throats to the point you’ll invade their home lands for it... to the point it’s extremely rude. You’re extremely rude... you are disrespectful towards other humans who are just trying to live their lives with their own religion.
These people will fucking kill you and I don’t blame them for doing so...
To YOU IT ISNT THE TRUTH... I stand firm on what I said. You believe Christianity is #1, they believe Islam is #1..
Go ahead and head over there and start spreading your truth. I’ll wait and see how long you last.. don’t worry, Jesus has your back.