VERITASAEQUITAS 3 points ago +3 / -0

The comment about sharks was funny, I feel like I remember Trump saying he doesn't like sharks before.

VERITASAEQUITAS 11 points ago +11 / -0

80% dark ops necessary.
20% public for justice.
The stage must be set.
Have faith.

VERITASAEQUITAS 4 points ago +4 / -0

Don't know why that would be. Looks like Easter is on the 20th of April so Good Friday would be the 18th.

VERITASAEQUITAS 18 points ago +18 / -0

They are abused both mentally and physically, these kids are broken humans; their innocence was stolen.

VERITASAEQUITAS 15 points ago +15 / -0

There's always too much jumping to conclusions and running with unverified information going on around here.

So the question remains then, who was the female pilot, and why won't they tell us?

VERITASAEQUITAS 2 points ago +2 / -0

From what I can see, PAT25 already had an altitude of 1000 feet when its transponder was turned on, this doesn't prove that it came from the Saudi embassy, only that it flew over it.

VERITASAEQUITAS 3 points ago +3 / -0

Stop calling them vaccines. They are not. They are designer gene therapies. CRISPR.

VERITASAEQUITAS 3 points ago +3 / -0

The only known way to control the mind is through the mental abuse of brainwashing (to reduce you to Pavlovian conditioning) or the physical abuse of pain to prevent thinking altogether.

Have you heard of DREADDs?

Researchers Chemically Control A Mouse’s Mind For Science

This research is a culmination of work done over the past decade targeting similar receptors, which the scientists named DREADDs--Designer Receptor Exclusively Activated by a Designer Drug. To make these specialized receptors, they use a virus to genetically alter the mice’s neurons so that only certain receptors are expressed, and the neurons only fire if particular molecules are present.

Dr. Charles Morgan on Psycho-Neurobiology and War

Related to this is an idea called DREADDs. These are designer receptors that can be remotely controlled, so think about it for a moment you can create a designer receptor, you can create a cell, you can put it somewhere in the body and you can remotely activate it when the brain is exposed to the right signal. Using this technology people have been able to transfer memories from one fruit fly to another by signaling through a light stimulus into the retina. Right now in in animals it's done by putting a substance into their body that will actually activate the neuron in the way that you want it. So you have the capacity to create any product. As long as you know the DNA sequence you can insert it into a living system and you can remotely control it.

I would recommend watching the whole Charles Morgan video, they can hijack motor control, erase memory, inject false memories, they can essentially upload information that causes someone to learn something they have never experienced, like how to solve a puzzle, or how to do anything else, really. A lot of this technology isn't even new anymore.

VERITASAEQUITAS 3 points ago +3 / -0

I've gotten some decent results from Leo by asking it to "humor me." I even got it to answer a question after it flat out refused by asking, "Is the reason you won't give me an answer because there isn't one or is there some other reason?" after which it apologized and answered. The discussion was about the similarities between Allah and Satan. I can't remember exactly what the question that it refused to answer was, but it had something to do with Satan in the Koran.

VERITASAEQUITAS 2 points ago +4 / -2

I have also been slapped for using deport, so I don't use it anymore. This place has really gone down hill.

VERITASAEQUITAS 1 point ago +2 / -1

Personally I have never really cared for the Nero Caesar argument, because Caesar is a title. It makes no sense to include it in the gematria calculation. It would be like trying to calculate your own gematria value and using "Mister X," or deriving a number from Donald Trump by using "President Trump." It just doesn't make sense.

VERITASAEQUITAS 0 points ago +1 / -1

No, I am done with this conversation. Merry Christmas and happy holidays.

VERITASAEQUITAS 0 points ago +1 / -1

There is no evidence that a flerf wouldn't hand wave away and cry "GCI!" Completely pointless endeavor.

VERITASAEQUITAS 1 point ago +2 / -1

The flerfs believe that the "firmament" is a dome, and that it's boundaries are the "ice wall" of Antarctica. They believe that beyond the ice wall is an infinite flat plane, and that "the gubbment" is trying to keep them from reaching the ice wall because they will discover that there is more to the world than just what we see. The Truman show is a perfect allegory of this idea, if you don't understand, it isn't my problem.

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