posted ago by lovecymru ago by lovecymru +34 / -0

Most of you patriots on GA may already know this, but it is new to me. I was trying to help someone who needs a religious exemption for the collage they are attending and this is what I found. I’m passing it on for the newbies.

List of ingredients in Covid vax: https://portal.ct.gov/Coronavirus/Covid-19-Knowledge-Base/Vaccine-Ingredients

Noticed Moderna’s SM-102. I did a quick search and found this: https://www.caymanchem.com/product/33474

Notice the warning the company making Luciferase says: https://www.caymanchem.com/product/33474

It is not for human or veterinarian use.

Q said KNOWINGLY 54 times. If πŸ’‰ companies knowingly put toxins, poison in a product only meant for lab use, then they have no protection from law suits.
