He is a scientist and considers himself well-informed, but he gets his news from mainstream sources. He is sure that there is no reputable evidence in favor of Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, etc., or otherwise he would have heard of it. He believes that Pfizer studied its vaccine thoroughly and that if it were dangerous it would not be being used. He feels that the way the Johnson & Johnson blood clot issue was handled indicates that if Pfizer/Moderna were also dangerous they would have been pulled.
Links I have sent him so far:
UK data showing 4x the deaths from the Delta variant in vaccinated vs. unvaccinated people: https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/1012644/Technical_Briefing_21.pdf
Tokyo Medical Association saying they should use Ivermectin: https://twitter.com/brenontheroad/status/1429624844379824129
Pierre Kory’s twitter: https://twitter.com/PierreKory
FLCCC website: https://covid19criticalcare.com/
Following the Science video: https://rumble.com/vitcgn-following-the-science.html
Ivermectin Studies: https://c19ivermectin.com/
Vitamin D Studies: https://c19vitamind.com/
Hydroxychloroquine Studies: https://c19hcq.com/
Israeli study on the efficacy of natural immunity: https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/ends-debate-israeli-study-shows-natural-immunity-13x-more-effective-vaccines-stoppin
Pfizerleak: Exposing the Pfizer manufacturing and supply agreement: https://threadreaderapp.com/thread/1419653002818990085.html
Peruvian Ivermectin study: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/344469305_Real-World_Evidence_The_Case_of_Peru_Causality_between_Ivermectin_and_COVID-19_Infection_Fatality_Rate
Vladimir Zelenko’s site: https://vladimirzelenkomd.com/
Do you have documentation that graphene oxide is in the vaccines?
No, but that's how it works with these criminals.
It's hard to find for a reason.
If asked, you can always point them to one of the Stew Peters episodes or the former Pfizer vp, where they talk about that stuff. There's the video with the German blood specialists just freaking out. There's the Ryan Cole speech about the pathology of it.
Those aren't as hard to find. Just don't use you(seless)tube. Bitchute or Rumble do have them.
Then as a final knockout, you show the Dr. Derek Knauss video, where he took blood samples of 1500 Covid patients, and didn't find Covid and is now suing the CDC. There's not many of that one, because there only is the one video.
That's the rabbit hole, because the information about Graphene Oxide is hidden there.
Thanks. Do you by any chance have any non-video sources I can share? He prefers to read than to watch.
Oh, no. I was saying that if he doesn't know then he needs to look it up for himself.
I would have to go through my pages of notes, but I am surrounded by people who don't read stuff, so almost all my links are in videos.
I would probably start here. https://www.naturalnews.com/2021-08-15-graphene-oxide-in-coronavirus-vaccines-linked-to-death.html
There are several links to follow, and will head in the right direction. But if you were to only search, you'd only find articles debunking it, because that's the lie. The German scientist video confirms that it is a lie. https://odysee.com/@TimTruth:b/microscope-vaccine-blood:9