Protesting in front of a Government site will only get you labeled as an insurrectionist and the Officials who you're trying to reach are either blackmailed or bought and paid for anyways.
If you're gonna protest, do it in front of any MSM headquarters. Even local satellites. They'll have to report on it since they can't get out their front doors to do their precious hit pieces on anything else.
Let the World see just how much we hate these lie factories.
The Corporate Media is the biggest threat to the Nation right now.
It's time WE start acting appropriately.
Lobby Power. Protesting is fine if you want to send a message of encouragement to other citizens that there is support for an issue but if you want to get something done you've got to go to the public meetings to engage with your County Supervisor. Lobby him/her to utilize their power to pass ordinances removing all COVID 19 Mandates in your County and to levy taxes and fines and fees against any entities in your county that violate the law by discriminating based on medical status.