Because right now, for appearances sake, clown world is still “in charge”. Nobody will be awakened if the injustices of this evil movement aren’t exposed, so that’s the mission right now. This Patriot has put his career and his life on the line to expose the rot. His sacrifice should be honored - people like him are showing us what true Courage is . . . what it means to stand - not just for what’s right, but to stand against what is wrong. We’ve been lulled into a false sense of “Justice” where the injustices being perpetrated against many (especially the children) were hidden from us, and we sunk deeper and deeper into our comfy, couch potatoe lives and became complacent. We stopped saying, “Wait! That’s not right!” We stopped demanding accountability from those “in charge”. We were taught to “put up and shut up”, and we obediently complied. Why do you think there’s such a backlash now against those who question the narrative? The more we wake up, the more we draw them out of their pretend benevolence, and the more injustices we will see. You have to know your enemy before you can stand against it. Through the courage of people like Col. Scheller, we can start to see where the battle lines are.
Because right now, for appearances sake, clown world is still “in charge”. Nobody will be awakened if the injustices of this evil movement aren’t exposed, so that’s the mission right now. This Patriot has put his career and his life on the line to expose the rot. His sacrifice should be honored - people like him are showing us what true Courage is . . . what it means to stand - not just for what’s right, but to stand against what is wrong. We’ve been lulled into a false sense of “Justice” where the injustices being perpetrated against many (especially the children) were hidden from us, and we sunk deeper and deeper into our comfy, couch potatoe lives and became complacent. We stopped saying, “Wait! That’s not right!” We stopped demanding accountability from those “in charge”. We were taught to “put up and shut up”, and we obediently complied. Why do you think there’s such a backlash now against those who question the narrative? The more we wake up, the more we draw them out of their pretend benevolence, and the more injustices we will see. You have to know your enemy before you can stand against it. Through the courage of people like Col. Scheller, we can start to see where the battle lines are.