Hag to Snow White: "Don't worry, sweetie, it's approved"
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"There's something very important I forgot to tell you..."
https://youtu.be/wyKQe_i9yyo?t=47 (timestamp)
Alchemy and Poisons.
https://youtu.be/gpWfgLTRPGo?t=24 (time stamp / pause immediately)
ALCHIMY, n. [It. alchimia; Ar. al, the, and kimia, secret, hidden, or the occult art, from (Ar.) kamai, to hide. See Chimistry.]
The more sublime and difficult parts of chimistry, and chiefly such as relate to the transmutation of metals into gold, the finding of a universal remedy for diseases, and an alkahest or universal solvent, and other things now treated as ridiculous. This pretended science was much cultivated in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, but is now held in contempt.
American Dictionary of the English Language Noah Webster 1828
What other weapons does the Deep State use?
They're right there on the shelf with Alchemy and Poisons.
Black Arts
“President Obama began the conversation by stressing his continued commitment to ensuring that every aspect of this issue is handled by the intelligence and law enforcement communities ‘by the book,’” Rice wrote to herself, referring to Flynn's calls to Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak."
The Good Shepard / 2006 / following dialog early 1940's in London, England.
OSS Officer Philip Allen character based on Allen Dulles, first CIA Director.
OSS Officer Edward Wilson Sr. character based on James Jesus Angleton.
Special Operations Executive Officer Archibald Cummings character based on Kim Philby, a real life confidant of James Jesus Angleton.
Philip Allen to Edward Wilson Sr.
"You're going to have the learn as quickly and as thoroughly as possible the English system of intelligence... The Black Arts. Particularly counter intelligence, the uses of information, disinformation, and how their use is, ultimately, power. They've agreed to open their operations to us. They can't win the war without us here., but they don't really want us here. Intelligence is their mother's milk and they don't like like sharing the royal tit with people who don't have titles. Your London tutor is waiting for you."
Archibald Cummings to Edward Wilson Sr.
"Use your trade craft well, particularly the use of black propaganda and the ingredient known as playback, understanding how effectively your own disinformation is actually working on the enemy. Its vital to penetrate the enemy's intelligence services. Push them into an unreal world, as it were. The very qualities that make a good intelligence officer, a suspicious mind, a love of complexity and detail, are the very qualities of someone you'll be observing. The mental facility to detect conspiracies and betrayal are the same qualities most likely to corrode natural judgement. Everything that seems clear is bent and everything that seems bent is clear. Trapped in reflections you must learn to recognize when a lie masquerades as the truth and then deal with it effectively... dispassionately. Never give anyone time to think."
Nancy Pelosi / "the wrap up smear, you want to talk politics..."
Their familiars have been in the news:
https://youtu.be/H-Jw-1rzf0w (46 seconds)
Black Magic
Then / The Conjurer
Now / The History Lesson
https://youtu.be/oNcgj1wROrA (7 min, 3 sec)
(RIP Ricky Jay)
The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes / Andrej Nekrasov
The Deep Rig
https://youtu.be/x3rj19hMBL0 (3 min, 11 sec)
The History Lesson + The Magnitsky Act: Behind the Scenes = The Deep Rig
Sorcery... one of my favorites.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNi4n7aEIWw (50 min, 38 sec)
https://youtu.be/owootTAuxic (45 min, 04 sec)
What's left?
How about this disguise...
Senior Counsel / National Security Division / Department of Justice
Pretty darn good if you ask me!
Great stuff...should keep me busy for a while 😎. I often wonder how many spells are embedded in media/music/movies. Probably more than we’d care to know.
If you stop watching, you avoid the spell c
I don't believe in magic. But if they believe then that matters - what should we do after meeting thing looking like spell ? Joke from communist times: