There is no real way to know if I have it or not but I do have the funky symptoms. Its basically inbetween the flu and a head cold. The worst thing for me is the smells. Unlike many who lose their sense of smell I have what i consider much worse. Everything smells like urine. The best thing from this is that I cant taste bitterness, so i can drink black coffee without any sugar, and it taste like i put just the right amount of sugar in it. And, if i breath out my nose after the sip, i can kindof smell coffee.
I am taking this opportunity to eat those super healthy but nasty foods like beets. I might as well. Maybe this virus is like a weightloss starter kit for me.
Feel free to ask me anything related to it, or my health or whatever.
Consider this question -- Does a chemical or a bio-chemical toxin or poison give unique specific symptoms? The answer is yes.
Now consider this. The Spanish Flu Vaccine was quite literally a toxic poison that killed millions. This is now admitted by many renowned medical experts.
If a foreign substance, especially a toxic one is injected in the blood stream, it kills many cells in what is called necrosis, the reaction of the body and its immune system is a reactive clean up operation. Germ Theory medicine treats the symptom and not the cause.
Have you wondered why Ivermectin; a de-wormer medicine works against COVID-19? It's because the so-called COVID-19 virus is the 'symptom' of some toxin that is poisoning us and compromising the immune system. This has allowed pathogens and parasites to infiltrate our immune system defenses and cause disease. Ivermectin kills the parasites. After taking Ivermectin people have been reporting seeing the parasites in their stools and immediately feeling better and recovering. So, is COVID-19 a "virus" or a chemical or bio-chemical toxin that's been unleashed into the environment.
There is 'something' else going on with all of this. I strongly suspect there was and is a bio-chemical war occurring.
Graphene oxide has the same symptoms of COVID-19. It is a known toxic carcinogen.
We now know graphene oxide is in the Moderna and Pfizer mRNA vaxxine. Spanish researchers put the Pfizer vaccine under an electron microscope and found it contains 99% graphene oxide and hardly anything else.
This means this “vaccine” has nothing to do with a so-called virus. This product wasn’t developed to avoid an infection caused by a virus. The true purpose of this product remains hidden.
So could this be the real purpose of the vaxxine and the reason why it is being pushed on children and young adults?
We now know graphene oxide is in the Moderna and Pfizer vaxxines. However, no one is asking the question --
It appears graphene oxide could be the culprit.
So what is graphene oxide (GO)? It’s a one-atom thick, flat (planar) diamond. Diamond is the hardest substance known, and can cut through anything — such as tempered steel, or your cells. By one account at least, graphene is 40 times stronger than diamonds. Graphene in a “vaccine” would be like injecting millions of nano diamond razor blades. The fact that it’s planar means it does not need to cut anything. It will slip right into enzyme receptors like a plug into a wall outlet and, unlike an enzyme, “diamonds are forever.” It is reported indirectly that COVID-19 interferes with the ACE-2 receptors in the lungs. "When binding affinities and involved bonding types are compared, GO interacts more strongly with the spike or ACE2.". Another report states - "Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Interact and Interfere with SARS-CoV-2 Surface Proteins and Cell Receptors to Inhibit Infectivity.
My wife and I had the so-called "COVID-19". In all of my 70-some years of living, I've never had anything like this. When I cam down with this, I had a low fever and head ache, but what amazed me was it was like the Lord Himself shut off my ability to smell or taste. It was like a light switch being turned off. This was taken from me and I never ever experienced anything like it before. My wife also experienced the same exact symptoms. We don't know how we contracted it unless it was blowing in the open wind. My taste and smell has since come back, but my wife is still recovering from her olfactory condition.
I am suspecting Graphene Oxide has 'something' to do with this phenomena that is affecting the lungs, the olfactory senses, and the respiratory system of akk those people having so-called "COVID-19" symptoms. To me, it is akin to that of mustard gas being inconspicuously spread among the population in the form of nano-particles. Again, is it a silent bomb? Think of a pile of fine dust that is spread when a fan is placed behind it.
Reading your post brought to mind the fact that in the beginning all the big wigs who supposedly caught Covid or were working at home were always talking about being in their basements. Everyone was working out of a makeshift basement studio. That always struck me as so odd. Like whatever was going on could be avoided by retreating below ground level. I would love to see more people discussing this particular topic.
In their basements? Makeshift basement studios? Who was saying that? That's interesting.
I agree with you that people need to discuss this. I believe this may very well be a toxic mass poisoning sold as a fictitious virus (COVID-19). It is possible that it is a bio-chemical agent, in which the graphene oxide nano-particles are infused with spike proteins. I'm thinking that it is the former because graphene oxide is readily available and can be dropped from the air, buildings, and any place that the wind can scatter. Think of asbestos being spread to cause asbestosis, which has similar symptoms and attacks the lungs. To me, what is so incredible about this is that it acts like a poisonous gas and destroys the neurons in the sinuses. This is similar to asbestosis and a nerve gas. Graphene Oxide acts like asbestosis.
Whatever it is, I got it lol. So far I am doing fine, I just hope this is the end and not the eye of the hurricane.