CULL ---> Reduce the population of (a wild animal) by selective slaughter. "he sees culling deer as a necessity" Similar: slaughter kill destroy reduce the numbers of thin out the population of send (an inferior or surplus animal on a farm) to be slaughtered.
MAN ---> A human being of either sex; a person.
That’s interesting.....
Revelations 13:16-17
Is the deep state trying to bring about Revelations? Is Q/Q+? Was it going to happen regardless, but by pushing out and endorsing the vax is it causing more people to awaken and reject it (reverse psychology)? Q has repeatedly said:
Wow 👌👏
Maybe a chosen location to communicate.
Interesting insight!
Check out cullmans history quite interesting
🙏checking now fren!
Fitting since the cabal sees we the people as wild animals.
Good thing Trump never made a claim about my circles being savage animals.