PSSST! Here's a meme for the impatient pedes in the back... Ready? Trump's Executive Order 13848 was signed 9/12/18. Trump extended it by one year on 9/13/20... With all this chaos, the deaths, the "pandemic," plus the AZ audit results, do you THINK IT WILL JUST QUIETLY EXPIRE two weeks from now? 🤔
🤔💠Theory 😲💡

If you believe in devolution hasnt he already acted on this EO?
If you don't believe in devolution, please, by all means refute it. IMO, it's irrefutable when you look at all Trump has done, the only thing to not believe is that'll work.
Not you Trumploaf, any nonbelievers.
we are 100000% in devolution.
Better check your calculations, think you're a few 0s short 😉