Using these 2 documents from the US Census Bureau:
- 2019 US Population:
- 2020 Voting Stats:
Population: 328,239,523
Persons under 18: 22.3%
Persons over 18: 100 - 22.3 = 77.7%
Persons 18 or over in US: 328,239,523 * .777 = 255,042,109
Of these 255,042,109 voting age citizens 72.7% are registered to vote.
Registered voters: 255,042,109 * .727 = 185,415,613 registered voters
Of these registered voters, 66.8% voted
Actual voters: 185,415,613 * .668 = 123,857,629 actual votes.
123,857,629 votes cast in the 2020 election according to the US Census Bureau.
The media told us Biden received 81,284,666 and Trump received 74,224,319
Media's total votes: 81,284,666 + 74,224,319 = 155,508,985
The difference between what the Media says and what the US Census says:
155,508,985 - 123,857,629 = 31,651,356
31,651,356 votes the US Census Bureau does not account for, but the media claims exist.
I just thought this was interesting that our own government data heavily contradicts the media's claim for the 2020 election, and that it is so easily provable.
Note: If anyone has 2020 population data from the US Census, I can re-do these calculations.
The media uses common core math.