Prostasia foundation a 501(3)(c) nonprofit foundation that focuses on minor attracted people (MAPs)
Comments (6)
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So, pedophiles are "minor attracted" now. They destroy language along with everything they touch. Liars and murderers like their father. Doing his works.
Their name is very close to prostate... and they are disgusting.
Guillotine's work too, better.
Solves the whole repeat offender problem. Way cheaper. A permanent solution to an eons old defect.
What's not to love?
I wonder if they even know, especially the girl on the bottom. Oof.
Link to the post where I stumbled across this abomination: Looks like she's researching the IRS connection, not sure, she's a pretty impressive researcher if you've never heard of her L @ some bitch I know. Link to the website for the abomination above: