Seriously? These filth are destroying your children and the parents are expected to TAKE IT? This is war. None of these filth are obeying the Constitution which they took an oath to obey. It's long past time to stand up and protect the children from these evil vermin. They're teaching communism, face diapering children, isolating them and outright lying to them. Exactly when do the parents stand up and HELL NO--NO MORE OF THIS EVIL?
Seriously? These filth are destroying your children and the parents are expected to TAKE IT? This is war. None of these filth are obeying the Constitution which they took an oath to obey. It's long past time to stand up and protect the children from these evil vermin. They're teaching communism, face diapering children, isolating them and outright lying to them. Exactly when do the parents stand up and HELL NO--NO MORE OF THIS EVIL?
Go read how to remove elected school board members in your area. Or if they might even be appointed by the county executive or state governor.
People hate hearing the truth, I suppose. But you can’t just coerce somebody out of the building and name one of you as a legal replacement.