Lefties are the people who obey what their authority tells them no matter what. Conservatives are very based in logic.
So when the democrats commanded them to obey big pharma, like the drones they are, the lefties lined up.
Remember they only hated corporations when the democratic strategy was voters vs the corporations who didn't care because democrats were quietly paying off the corporations in the background.
And remember when we tried to warn people that the government was giving all our money to corporations in corporate socialism? I remember lefties calling me crazy because "only republicans suck corporate dick."
Lefties are drones, never forget this. They will kill you in a moment if their leadership commands it. Never trust a leftie.
Lefties are the people who obey what their authority tells them no matter what. Conservatives are very based in logic.
So when the democrats commanded them to obey big pharma, like the drones they are, the lefties lined up.
Remember they only hated corporations when the democratic strategy was voters vs the corporations who didn't care because democrats were quietly paying off the corporations in the background.
And remember when we tried to warn people that the government was giving all our money to corporations in corporate socialism? I remember lefties calling me crazy because "only republicans suck corporate dick."
Lefties are drones, never forget this. They will kill you in a moment if their leadership commands it. Never trust a leftie.