posted ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS ago by VaccinesCauseSIDS +12 / -0

New Zealand on Monday announced it had recorded its first death linked to Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine after a woman suffered from myocarditis, which is known to be a “rare” side effect of inflammation in the heart muscle.




Im pretty sure these “rare” cases of myocarditis were NOT found by using vaccine safety studies, but were in fact found because of “aNeCdOtAL” reports of myocarditis after vaccination.

Vaccine safety studies are designed NOT to “find the evidence”, by arbitrarily setting the threshold for “statistical significance” above the rate of incidence.

Then, when they say “we can’t find the evidence”, they aren’t technically lying, according to their own arbitrary opinion on what constitutes evidence.

But what they aren’t saying is “vaccines DO NOT cause X”

After all, every atheist knows, you “cant prove a negative”


Furthermore, every vaccine safety study begins with the absurd assumption that every vaccine is 100% safe,

And then they don’t try very hard to disprove their own wild assumptions.


As a matter of fact, nobody in the history of the world has ever been able to use a vaccine safety study to “find the evidence” that any vaccine has ever caused any long term problem.

Source: myth #6
