Lord I ask you remind them of the 20 years of unabated death done on the backs of their honorable men and women to grow and cultivate opium just to bring home and enslave their neighbors, of war of attrition and drone strikes of terror on weddings, a million dead Iraqis, babies born malformed and in horror in the wake of depleted uranium used in Fallijah.
Father - remind them we fight against the Powers of this world that worship a cult of death and use our honorable men and women to conduct this aggregation of death in the name of the 1/3 of angels that left your side to undo your beautiful world.
Father - help us all to see the lies that seek to enslave our thoughts, capture our souls, and target children and children yet born. Remind us that the Invasion of Afghanistan was signed on September 6, 2001 - days before the attacks of 9/11 even took place - and that 9/11 itself was an occult ritual meant to expose the world to ritual trauma.
Father Forgive me for my mistakes. I’ve made so many.
Most of All - please, Father, through your providence let anyone reading this message know that I love them, dearly - that they are my brother, my sister, my friend. Forever & Ever. Amen.
Father - they mean well. They see honor.
Lord I ask you remind them of the 20 years of unabated death done on the backs of their honorable men and women to grow and cultivate opium just to bring home and enslave their neighbors, of war of attrition and drone strikes of terror on weddings, a million dead Iraqis, babies born malformed and in horror in the wake of depleted uranium used in Fallijah.
Father - remind them we fight against the Powers of this world that worship a cult of death and use our honorable men and women to conduct this aggregation of death in the name of the 1/3 of angels that left your side to undo your beautiful world.
Father - help us all to see the lies that seek to enslave our thoughts, capture our souls, and target children and children yet born. Remind us that the Invasion of Afghanistan was signed on September 6, 2001 - days before the attacks of 9/11 even took place - and that 9/11 itself was an occult ritual meant to expose the world to ritual trauma.
Father Forgive me for my mistakes. I’ve made so many.
Most of All - please, Father, through your providence let anyone reading this message know that I love them, dearly - that they are my brother, my sister, my friend. Forever & Ever. Amen.