Doctor explains why hospitals are stupid and the reason that Hydroxychloroquine works
🧠 These people are stupid!
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Makes sense to me and I ain't no Dr! Early on some Dr's tried Viagra, not for the obvious problem but to help their patients breathe as the seemed to be suffering from altitude sickness, and it worked to some degree as it got more oxygen in.
Mind you they had stiff necks for a while!
A row of 'tents' along the ward beds, quite the sight.
Gives the doc something to hang his coat on.
Back in the 70’s, there was more patient focus. That changed in the late 80’s. JCOAH is a joke. The hospitals know the window in which they are coming, clean the hospital is for the visit and pay overtime to appear well staffed. The leadership picks the chats that will be reviewed.
Hospitals aren’t stupid-they are bought and paid by the a Big Pharma, AMA, AAP, the government threatening to withhold Medicaid and Medicare reimbursement. I agree totally with Halya’s comments below. I worked in hospitals for 47 years. It is all very political and very politically correct these days. Remember the government mandate for electronic medical records so that your records could be accessed anywhere in the U.S.? Not true, because not all hospitals have the same electronic records and they don’t speak to each other. Just a scam for government to access your health records?
Worked at large university health system for 50 years. I know FOR A FACT that hospitals only care about $ nothing else.
I saw staff and doctors fired because of financial compassion for patients. Doctors threaten to operate in another hospital until they get what they want. Money from fundraisers and telethons go into administrators pockets instead of purchasing much needed equipment. Any overtime pay into managers pockets and staff gets assigned comp time. And so much more.
In the old days doctors got a really nice paycheck but nothing compared to millions in administrators' paychecks.
A bit off subject but shows $ is the driving force in hospitals, not patient care.
Hospital staff who aren't stupid and brainwashed have their hands tied. The 3 letter agencies who create the guidelines that hospitals implement as protocols are the evil ones... And almost all protocols originate from Fauci and friends.
Is he talking about just regular Covid or people who’ve had the shot and then got sick?
There isn't a huge difference between the two.
Regular "COVID" is just a form of poisoning, which can be the result of many different things. The vaccine contains adjuvants which are toxic substances designed to poison you and make your immune system respond.
So regardless of how you reached that point, the end result is poisoned blood with a high level of acidity.
Well whatever is causing the illness - I got it and ended up in the hospital due to low oxygen- I didn’t have any congestion. I was given Ivermectin, vit c and convalescent plasma and got better. But the reason I’m asking is because I take blood thinners for a genetic clotting defect that causes me to clot. I didn’t realize that Covid (whatever it is that’s causing it.) was also causing blood clots I thought it was just elements of the shot. So hopefully the fact that I’m already on the meds helped me in some way.