Wouldn't anyone with the vaccine just not not need treatment at all since it works so well? Unless they are treating other things besides covid I suppose
They are. In fact, I was just talking with someone the other day whose spouse had a stroke and nearly died as a result of having to sit in the waiting room for almost half a day due to being filled over capacity. It's anecdotal, but it is a problem.
And since no vaccine is 100% effective, there is always the chance that people are going to get sick anyway, which you guys know, since you've been watching it happen.
I call bullshit. "nearly died as a result of having to sit in the waiting room" sounds like an exaggeration
That isn't how triage works. If that person really had immediate life threatening condition, they would be pushed high up on the priority list.
You even acknowledge it as being anecdotal and still consider it the be all end all for your position in this argument.
I work with many doctors. Hospitals have established specific Covid units who only handle covid cases. Hospitals are not overwhelmed as the media has suggested.
You have hospitals laying off nurses (who are in high demand) for not being vaccinated. Overwhelmed my fat ass.
I'm not a doctor, so I can't give a credible evaluation of the condition of the patient. However, the person I spoke with does not have a history of bullshitting or even mild drama, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I do not know the vaccination status, as it's become a bit of a political issue and is considered somewhat rude to force someone like a possible Q supporter to have that conversation with me.
I have no issue whatsoever if you choose not to believe this random unnamed person in my anecdote, as anecdotes are not data anyway.
If an ER cannot triage a stroke victim properly....ummm. Anyways, if er waiting rooms are packed it's because 1: the idiots have turned half the country into paranoid hypochondriacs who think if the sneeze from pepper up their nose that they're dying of alphabetacapadeltaepsilon.....variant. And 2: hospital staff is at low levels because they're firing everyone who refuses the poison.
Wouldn't anyone with the vaccine just not not need treatment at all since it works so well? Unless they are treating other things besides covid I suppose
They are. In fact, I was just talking with someone the other day whose spouse had a stroke and nearly died as a result of having to sit in the waiting room for almost half a day due to being filled over capacity. It's anecdotal, but it is a problem.
And since no vaccine is 100% effective, there is always the chance that people are going to get sick anyway, which you guys know, since you've been watching it happen.
I call bullshit. "nearly died as a result of having to sit in the waiting room" sounds like an exaggeration
That isn't how triage works. If that person really had immediate life threatening condition, they would be pushed high up on the priority list.
You even acknowledge it as being anecdotal and still consider it the be all end all for your position in this argument.
I work with many doctors. Hospitals have established specific Covid units who only handle covid cases. Hospitals are not overwhelmed as the media has suggested.
You have hospitals laying off nurses (who are in high demand) for not being vaccinated. Overwhelmed my fat ass.
For shits and giggles, were they vaccinated?
I'm not a doctor, so I can't give a credible evaluation of the condition of the patient. However, the person I spoke with does not have a history of bullshitting or even mild drama, so I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
I do not know the vaccination status, as it's become a bit of a political issue and is considered somewhat rude to force someone like a possible Q supporter to have that conversation with me.
I have no issue whatsoever if you choose not to believe this random unnamed person in my anecdote, as anecdotes are not data anyway.
If an ER cannot triage a stroke victim properly....ummm. Anyways, if er waiting rooms are packed it's because 1: the idiots have turned half the country into paranoid hypochondriacs who think if the sneeze from pepper up their nose that they're dying of alphabetacapadeltaepsilon.....variant. And 2: hospital staff is at low levels because they're firing everyone who refuses the poison.