You make a good argument, Cotton. Makes sense. Will look at it thru a new lens, now.
You wouldn't happen to be one of those rare Pastors who really knows his sh*t would you? If so, respect. If not, even more respect. Thanks for taking the time.
God bless you for your positive resection friend, your words are a warm encouragement to my heart. I was thinking about how best to explain what is very complicated concept and prayed for a while about it. God woke me up early as he has been doing lately (I’m anything but a morning person) and He guided me to the best explanation. The Holy Spirit provided the Content, I am blessed to get to facilitate The Truth and help your understanding while growing my own ability to communicate those realities. I sent it to my mom to make sure the reasoning was sound. God thinks you are worth the time, and I do too. Much love friend.
I am not a pastor, though it’s funny you mention that as another commenter recently suggested it. I’m a doodler and a noodles by trade, if there is a trade left to be had these days. Making up lost time for not standing up for God. Seeking to please Him first, been a big life change for me this year. My own great awakening to quantum understanding... oh if only everyone could see what I see and feel complete as I now feel. I pray with God that all may repent and return to God that we may truly have equality in God and Peace through unity of the Holy Spirit. A real utopia of spirit that man promises but can never provide.
“Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have even sent to you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them.” Jeremiah 7:25 New King James Version
Thanks to Pentecost and the Holy Spirit we can all be iron sharpening iron. A mighty army for such a time as this.
17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God,
That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh;
Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy,
Your young men shall see visions,
Your old men shall dream dreams.
Acts 2:17 New King James Version
You make a good argument, Cotton. Makes sense. Will look at it thru a new lens, now.
You wouldn't happen to be one of those rare Pastors who really knows his sh*t would you? If so, respect. If not, even more respect. Thanks for taking the time.
God bless you for your positive resection friend, your words are a warm encouragement to my heart. I was thinking about how best to explain what is very complicated concept and prayed for a while about it. God woke me up early as he has been doing lately (I’m anything but a morning person) and He guided me to the best explanation. The Holy Spirit provided the Content, I am blessed to get to facilitate The Truth and help your understanding while growing my own ability to communicate those realities. I sent it to my mom to make sure the reasoning was sound. God thinks you are worth the time, and I do too. Much love friend.
I am not a pastor, though it’s funny you mention that as another commenter recently suggested it. I’m a doodler and a noodles by trade, if there is a trade left to be had these days. Making up lost time for not standing up for God. Seeking to please Him first, been a big life change for me this year. My own great awakening to quantum understanding... oh if only everyone could see what I see and feel complete as I now feel. I pray with God that all may repent and return to God that we may truly have equality in God and Peace through unity of the Holy Spirit. A real utopia of spirit that man promises but can never provide.
“Since the day that your fathers came out of the land of Egypt until this day, I have even sent to you all My servants the prophets, daily rising up early and sending them.” Jeremiah 7:25 New King James Version Thanks to Pentecost and the Holy Spirit we can all be iron sharpening iron. A mighty army for such a time as this. 17 ‘And it shall come to pass in the last days, says God, That I will pour out of My Spirit on all flesh; Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your young men shall see visions, Your old men shall dream dreams. Acts 2:17 New King James Version