Over the past couple of days, I've been reading articles that include personal photos of the thirteen service members when they were alive. I've copied a number of them and run them through tineye.com. Tineye.com allows you to sort them from the oldest to the newest time they were found on the internet.
So far, I haven't found a single photo that is older than the last week and a half or so. Not one.
Surely some of these photos would have been posted online by family or shared by the service member themselves before the end of August 2021.
Can anyone find a photo posted before this month? I'm still looking...
I've been wondering how much of the whole Afghanistan scenario is fake news, including the all the armaments being left for the Taliban, the soldiers in the bombing and the dogs being left behind.
yep & people hanging from helicopters. along with the way JB says 'tollybon', like he's about to start singing🤡
Everything Joe does these days looks staged and scripted. Some of it just seems too bizarre to be otherwise, even for someone who's supposed to be demented.