Robert David Steele passes away due to Covid Complications. This Photo went live the same day he "died" on McAfees Telegram @ 9:11 PM. Thoughts?

I don't think marching is a good idea, it makes you a physical target. The war is idea based, and the truth is the a-bomb. Memes are great. Digging for truth is great, but the big bombs have not been released yet. The big truths are yet to he released.
Marching to DC for anything is crazy right now. the DC police are the gestapo. You don't have to commit a crime to get locked up. Gather in small groups locally, if you feel you have to get together, but don't go to DC until this mess gets cleaned up!! Really, red-pilling one friend is way more valuable than a march on any building right now. And there's a lot of of low-hanging fruit. I'd agree and encourage everyone to focus on that.