Shadough 2 points ago +2 / -0

The meme is old, but the question is Valid, look at the time stamp and date it was reposted 2/11/24. 6:15 pm

Shadough 2 points ago +2 / -0

Read Revelation Chapter 17 verse 17.

"17 For God hath put in their hearts to fulfil his will, and to agree, and give their kingdom unto the beast, until the words of God shall be fulfilled." Notice the keyword GIVE, when you vote a president into power its a Transfer of Power from the People to the president since he represents you.

It literally tells you the beast has to come into power by voting him in & with this symbolism you are right to feel red flags going off, ignore the down votes and stand firm with Jesus, people tend to forget who's important at the end of the day, Man or God & the moment you mention going against a "Man" they like they'll try anything to bring you down. Remember God always comes before Man. We have a 4 year presidential system and the beast is to rule for 3 1/2 months which is real convenient for our 4 year system.

Keep your head on a swivel & if anyone is upset over this, You're the problem. God Always Wins.

Shadough 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q told you to read the Bible, So in a way, they did.

Shadough 0 points ago +1 / -1

Q=17, Revelation Chapter 17, Verse 17 : For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to give the beast their power to rule, until God's words are fulfilled.

Basically this states you have to vote the beast into power. The "Mark" of the Beast could mean the "Mark" you make when selecting the President. Q Did state its going to be "Biblical" and has stated numerous times to "Read the Bible". This could be why & For that reason even if the chance is 0.0001% I'm not voting this Season because there is nothing more important than God & keeping the faith while dodging all these deception land mines.

Shadough 6 points ago +6 / -0

White 6, Black 6, Mirrored White Middle 6.

Shadough 2 points ago +2 / -0

https://greatawakening.win/p/142BF5stO8/ This cheat sheet provided to us by our moderators should be able to help you with any future posts you want to make with images :)

Shadough 2 points ago +2 / -0

u / # <--use this code smashed together & then space q# (replace the symbol with with your desired Q post), it should post what you want.

Shadough 5 points ago +5 / -0

There's a lot of little kids sporting the colored Bud Light shirt walking in between people. This shit is wildly getting out of hand.

Shadough 3 points ago +3 / -0

Revelation reveals the Anti Christ is to rule for 42 months before the second coming of Jesus Christ & he will not take nations by war, but through Charm & Deception. So we are warned ahead of time the first person posing as Jesus is not the Messiah.

Shadough 3 points ago +3 / -0

https://qposts.online/ is what I use to go through all of the Q posts. If you click on the 9/1 down arrow at the bottom of the page it will go from showing you the last post #4966 to showing you #1. If you're also looking for a specific word or phrase it even has a search option to find whatever post you're looking for without having to actually scroll through all of them.

Shadough 3 points ago +4 / -1

The Bibles been pointing at 2030 AD as the year of Jesus's Second Coming. That's supposed to be This 2030. This is an extremely good documentary that breaks down all of the events leading up to 2030 you might enjoy. Keeping this is mind, when Q says its going to be "Biblical" i think they could quite literally mean something Biblical is on its way.


Shadough 1 point ago +1 / -0

Look at the Ear Lobes. The Ear Lobe Does Not Connect To The Face Automatically. This. Is. Genetics. You have 2 disconnected ear lobes. That is Biden. The Lobe attached to the face is the swapped Biden.

Shadough 11 points ago +14 / -3

Everything you are seeing is Real. Biden was swapped out at the end of 2017. You can confirm this yourself by looking up interviews at the beginning of 2017 and compare it to the End of 2017. The earlobe goes from detached to attached & the swap is blatantly obvious (for example see images below) [Genetics doesn't go from detached to attached & surgery would of had bandages and a healing process of which never took place] . Now take note of the year "2017" (17) = Q. Same year the Q operation started.




Shadough 1 point ago +1 / -0

All the Numbers used Adds up to 6 lol.




Shadough 3 points ago +4 / -1

u/#q64 u/#q270 u/#q186 u/#q4 u/#q123 u/#q21 u/#q206 u/#q1565 u/#q204 Tiffany Trump & Ivanka are the only Two with immediate connection to Trump that are following 0 people. (Which is where I came up with this theory.) No reason for them to follow anyone on truth when they already have their messages posted on twitter.

(Apply the Keystone, Paint the Picture) Trump went to Mount Rushmore July 4th 2020. Which is Located in "Keystone" South Dakota. What Kind of Action would a President need to do to have their face Carved into the Mountain? Something Historically Massive.

==baker on standby==

Shadough 8 points ago +8 / -0

Be on the Look out for #64 in the next coming weeks. 64 is the amount of people Trump follows on Truth Social. #64 reads like the final page in the Q book.

Shadough 7 points ago +7 / -0

#3717: First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


Shadough 5 points ago +5 / -0


First indictment [unseal] will trigger mass pop awakening.

First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.

They will fight but you are ready.

Marker [9].


Shadough -3 points ago +1 / -4

I was intrigued by the Prayer and was curious (since curiosity isn't illegal yet) to see what was posted before it to see if there was any relevance to the current climate, i then checked past 2904 to 2905 and was met with only "Test 5" all the way up to "#2910" which keeps saying "test 11" after the prayer its just a handful of "Test" posts. Lets take a peak at what #2901 says and see if there is any relevance to what is happening right now though for fun.


All-out assault against the duly elected President of the United States.

We have never experienced anything like this in our history.

Treason & sedition at the highest levels of office throughout many departments [F + D].

Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).

Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party prevent-limit 'sheep (you)' from learning the TRUTH.

Propaganda arm [FAKE NEWS MEDIA] of the D party retain-control of NARRATIVE (control over you).

House D's in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).

Senate D's in full attack mode (no facts, only statements).


Fear of prosecution?

Fear of the public learning the TRUTH?

Fear of losing POWER?

Bribes, blackmail, threats, etc. all being deployed.



See anything here that fits the current relevance? (what about the line that says "This is their last stand") (They're trying to give Trump multiple life sentences, doesn't that seem like a final stand type of move?)

Shadough 1 point ago +4 / -3

777 by itself also represents the Holy Trinity. "GOD WINS" Appears a total of 7 times over the course of 4966 QPosts.

Shadough 0 points ago +4 / -4

I respect your opinion, My only intention was to spark Thought and Conversation my friend.

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