Hey all... posting this on behalf of my friend who is still a handshake faggot. I have heard him talk of his struggles with his current employer and the bullshit continues to ramp up. See below. Thanks!
My doc that I work with just showed me an email that went out to all physicians saying they are NOT to prescribe ivermectin for covid. Saying that Aurora pharmacies have been instructed not to fill the prescriptions.
It said that doing so could put their license at risk and they would face disciplinary action.
It said that the CDC did not recommend it as a treatment for covid and that there were not enough studies for it to be used as a treatment....
Like we don't use stuff off label already anyway.
My doc was literally flabbergasted. She had no words. Said this had all gone too far and it was so political it was disgusting.
Link to his post: https://greatawakening.win/p/12kFPjKo2T/advocate-aurora-health-wi-il-are/
No clue how it works, but as far i know, these doctors are contracted, and these orders come from top down.
Im sure there is tax incentive for them to mandate vaccines, maybe more kickbacks however like one of the others here mentioned. This company is going downhill and quick.
Its why they are able to keep saying "our hospitals are filled to capacity" but what they dont say is that capacity is based on staff at hand, because of the stress they are putting on the medical staff. Not even close to room capacity. Im sure this company feeds right into all that media bullshit hype.
This is the same company who is so greedy that if you come in for a physical, and the doctor asks you about a potential medical problem, they will then bill you a physical ($560) and an office visit charge ($416) and thats not even including the bloodwork. Im starting to inquire about other positions, but damn. Its just getting worse and worse.