Bobosapian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Good luck. I'd suggest stop using the word "Frens" it makes it sounds like your spouse has a boyfriend

Bobosapian 28 points ago +28 / -0

One of our friends was there and had to do cpr on a 5 year old :( It happened 10 feet from where she was standing

She is a nurse and actually went to the hospital to help the wounded as she is an ER nurse

Bobosapian 0 points ago +1 / -1

Was aboit to say Robin Voss is bring a weirdo about it.

Bobosapian 2 points ago +2 / -0

No clue how it works, but as far i know, these doctors are contracted, and these orders come from top down.

Im sure there is tax incentive for them to mandate vaccines, maybe more kickbacks however like one of the others here mentioned. This company is going downhill and quick.

Its why they are able to keep saying "our hospitals are filled to capacity" but what they dont say is that capacity is based on staff at hand, because of the stress they are putting on the medical staff. Not even close to room capacity. Im sure this company feeds right into all that media bullshit hype.

This is the same company who is so greedy that if you come in for a physical, and the doctor asks you about a potential medical problem, they will then bill you a physical ($560) and an office visit charge ($416) and thats not even including the bloodwork. Im starting to inquire about other positions, but damn. Its just getting worse and worse.

Bobosapian 9 points ago +9 / -0

Thanks for posting this for me. Wanted to get the word out. Its been getting worse and worse. Plus they are mandating Vaccines

Bobosapian 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well thats disappointing

Bobosapian 16 points ago +18 / -2

Wife tested positive saturday, i know i have it. Not taking the nose swab to add to their scare tactic