Lately, I've had the urge to ask random mask-wearers why they are wearing the mask. BTW, I have no problem walking up to total strangers and starting a conversation, which is probably why I have this urge.
I assume it is either because they think it protects them from Covid, think it protects others if they have Covid, or they want to virtue signal.
But I'm torn as to whether or not starting a random convo with a stranger would lead to the person getting irrate or melting down, and if that would be helpful or harmful.
What do you guys think?
I have said in passing to people wearing masks “enjoy your hypoxia” or “enjoy your bacterial pneumonia.” Of course, I say it in the most pleasant, cheerful way possible. I’ve only gotten wide-eyed stares.
Walgreens this weekend had a line of mostly masks and I said it loud enough for all to hear as I finished checking out. This was after the masked clerk said “ have a nice day” or some shit like that. This is Florida. NO mask mandate. So many fukkin masks.