The fed and state government(s) are now getting into the "take you to protective custody for your own good" mode.
We are heading to camps and everything every "fictitious" movie displayed to us over the years. So what are the police in this country going to do? As far as I can tell, they follow orders like they can't think for themselves in the slightest.
War is coming. It's now more clear than ever.
Currently it appears you can be easily arrested for any bogus charge and left in jail waiting while your family and income are destroyed.Yes,perhaps the officers were just following orders.Does that mean the"system"can be allowed to destroy a person's life while they "sort" it out.Thats exactly how they will take our guns.Pick you off,one at a time,while your neighbors cower in fear.Police have been conditioned not to make judgement calls.Domestic violence is a good spouse strikes the other,injured spouse fights back,b ok th go to jail,children to cps.Judge doesn't get disturbed.I am pro police,but,yes,they do have to make a choice soon.