My work is now mandating vaccines. I won't leave until I find other work or am fired, but I am trying to think very hard about what to do.
I will not take the vaxx, so that's not an option.
What are others doing?
My work is now mandating vaccines. I won't leave until I find other work or am fired, but I am trying to think very hard about what to do.
I will not take the vaxx, so that's not an option.
What are others doing?
Remember - the only vaxxines available in the US are still under Emergency Use Authorization only. The licensed vaxxine Comirnaty is not currently available in the US and probably won't be for some time. That means, all the jabs out there have liability shields for the manufacturers and are still under EUA requirements. Everyone has the right of refusal and exemptions that an employer MUST make reasonable accommodations due to the exemptions. There are several lawsuits being filed over this EUA issue. Not sure if AFLD has the updated information but legally you cannot be forced to participate in a clinical trial using an experimental drug. That is still the law internationally and in the US under informed consent.
Read the FDA official page on Comirnaty. This is the drug that was approved for biologics license application.
On August 23, 2021, the FDA posted the “Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine EUA Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers” on their website. This is the sheet that those who administer the jab will hand out to patients.
The very first paragraph on the fact sheet states that a person will be offered either Comirnaty (or) the Pfizer jab under EUA. Just as an additional side note: the purpose of these jabs was never about prevention of COVID - only the reduction of symptoms. They cannot prevent infection nor stop transmission of the "virus" associated with COVID. This statement will be challenged.
The problem is that BioNTech claims that Comirnaty will not be available for use until 2023 or 2024. These are recognized as two separate vaxxines by the FDA although it is claimed that they can be interchanged with each other.
Please read the following article for more clarification on this bait and switch move by the FDA and Pfizer. Pass the information along. The more people that are aware that the jabs being offered are NOT FDA approved the better we will be able to stop them before people either get fired or succumb to the clot shot. Pfizer-BioNTech Vaccine Is Still Under EUA, Comirnaty Was Approved But Will Not Be Available For Some Time Causing Confusion