Gov't to review cases of menstrual problems after COVID vaccine shots
A woman posted a petition on the Cheong Wa Dae website, Tuesday, calling on authorities to include menstruation-related problems as possible side effects of coronavirus vaccines so they can be eligible for government support.
"There are many cases of women experiencing irregular menstrual bleeding after getting coronavirus vaccine shots. But when they visit hospitals, they are only prescribed with contraceptive pills or advised to take Tylenol, and are unable to report this as an adverse reaction to the vaccine," the petitioner wrote.
"If the symptoms which many women are experiencing are ignored, it means the government and the medical community are not paying attention to the pain being suffered by half of humanity."
There have been a number of online posts here made by women experiencing symptoms such as metrorrhagia and polymenorrhea, or shortened menstrual cycles, following COVID-19 vaccinations.
Relevant cases have also been reported overseas, including a woman who started menstruating again after menopause after receiving the COVID-19 vaccine.
4 months ago posted by u/CallMePatriot
TMI warning.
I'm currently tracking my body to see if what I've experienced is a one-off instance, or if this is a growing issue. I'm 11 months postpartum, and started having periods again in July. July 5-10, had a period. Seemed normal; normal flow, normal cramps, etc. July 30-31, I had medium spotting. August 9-12, I had another period, which was fine given that it was a little over a month since my last one. It seemed like newer blood, which was weird, but overall a normal period. August 23-27, I was bleeding again, which was definitely weird since it had only been two weeks. Again, it seemed like newer blood, no clots, one day of more intense cramping.
The days that I've started bleeding are the day after being at church with a large number of people who have had the shots, including close contact with one who has had both doses (can't remember which brand) and family lunch at my house with my mom and stepdad. My mom had both Moderna shots, my stepdad had both Pfizer shots. My mom is out of town this weekend, so she won't be at family lunch, but I do feel like my body is already achy and bloated like I might be starting a new period in the next couple of days. I will still be around the church lady on Sunday, so I'll have to come back on Monday to update whether my theory of "bleeding every two weeks after being around vax'd people" is correct.
The app I use to keep track of these things says I should be ovulating today. I guess I could technically get testing strips to see if that's the case. I told my husband I almost want to have a 5th kid just to see if I can, or if that possibility has been taken away from me by shed spike proteins.
This is definitely not TMI, I have been trying to see if this is happening to anyone else out there and this is exactly what I'm looking for! It hasn't occurred to me that repeated exposure is what starts the bleeding. I work in an office with a couple people that got vaxxed and no issues like that for me, though I did start 2 weeks early once but wasn't thinking this had anything to do with it back then. Thanks for chiming in with the details and I hope you will check back in after the wdekend!
Post-weekend update: nothing. Hypothesis incorrect. I went to church Sunday and had close contact with the usual individual that has had both shots. She even picked me up and brought me home so we rode together for ten minutes each trip. She came to my house for lunch and stayed for about an hour. The next day, she came back for lunch again and was at my house for maybe two hours.
I fully expected that close contact for an extended period of time would cause more bleeding, but it didn’t. I intend to keep monitoring because I have a yearly exam in November.
I wouldn't necessarily give up on your hypothesis, perhaps your body is acclimating to the changes. I don't think we give our bodies enough credit sometimes, just like I think they expected more people to die from this virus. Our bodies can overcome a lot and adapt. Thanks for updating and keep seeking answers, we are still working with the naturopath doctor with my daughter. Hormone test going out today & I am curious to see what comes of that!