you should look into the video of the canadian man with STAGE 4 cancer in every organ system who took another dewormer, fenbendazole, and completely cured his disease.
I have heard of fenbendazole. It is yet another anti-parasitic that works against cancer. Seems to be a strange correlation between the two. It would be quite odd that cancer is also caused by parasites as well. Many different reasons for aberrant cells due to damage to DNA, perhaps it is also caused by viruses and parasites as well. Not sure in the current state of medecine if we woupd ever know the truth, but perhaps on the near future many new things will be brought to light. At least we now know about options to start breaking the chains of Pharma
it's possible that some cancers have to do with underlying parasites, it's also possible the "anti-parasitics" actually have a wide range of effects and could inhibit cancer cell growth directly
you should look into the video of the canadian man with STAGE 4 cancer in every organ system who took another dewormer, fenbendazole, and completely cured his disease.
I have heard of fenbendazole. It is yet another anti-parasitic that works against cancer. Seems to be a strange correlation between the two. It would be quite odd that cancer is also caused by parasites as well. Many different reasons for aberrant cells due to damage to DNA, perhaps it is also caused by viruses and parasites as well. Not sure in the current state of medecine if we woupd ever know the truth, but perhaps on the near future many new things will be brought to light. At least we now know about options to start breaking the chains of Pharma
it's possible that some cancers have to do with underlying parasites, it's also possible the "anti-parasitics" actually have a wide range of effects and could inhibit cancer cell growth directly