posted ago by cathole953 ago by cathole953 +10 / -0

Personally, I'm not entirely convinced that everything going on is completely real. I'm not saying there are NO illegals or refugees. Rather I just think things are being exaggerated to an extreme. There's too many inconsistencies. Reports of Soros style actors crossing the border dozens of times a day (the same people over and over). All of these planes of "refugees" being filled with men in the official pictures, but then all of the ones landing here being women and children. etc.

So I'm convinced there's some shady crap going on and not all is as it seems. As such, I'm curious what everyone thinks? Is this all just part of the movie, and they're going to be sent back to where they came from somehow? Are we just stuck with them as a casualty of the cabal war, something else? Curious what everyone thinks.