I’ve heard some people say “1 click per 50LBS”, but what I haven’t heard being discussed is how often for not being sick and with being sick.
Some said they were not sick and took it as a detox but never mentioned the dosage.
I plan to get the actual pills but would wanna know how to use the paste as a last resort, just in case I absolutely need to
I know that, I’m referring more to frequency of ingestion
I've read a couple times a week for prophylactic, but no idea how long one is to take it for that purpose. If you're using it as a detox, what I did was take it two days in a row, then went to every other day or sometimes every third day until the applicator was empty.
I'm going with one dosage for the weight of my horse, once per week until the tube is used up. This fall if a resurgence happens, I'll start on the next tube.
You take a one dose the first two days to load your system, then one every 10 to 14 days.
If you actually have covid take a dose a day for four days. You should be clear by then if it is going to work for you. This is what my brother did when he had covid. He was good to go by day four. Many people are good to go with nothing by day four so it is difficult to say if it did him any good, but he had been sick for almost a week before starting on ivermectin. You should start earlier if you suspect you actually have it.
There is no mistaking it if you are going to have a strong reaction. I started day one sneezing all the time, by nightfall I couldn't sleep for the muscle and joint pain.