Here's some perspective. It's "Marketing Anathema". Ivermectin Horse Paste; humans AND ALL MAMMALS take 200mcg/Kilo body weight. You are a mammal. The human pills are the exact same drug in pill form. There's nothing in the horse paste that makes it different except neutral gel and apple flavoring. You can get mammal antibiotics and take them too as long as you dose it right. We're talking mammals here. I'm a cancer survivor and shocked my Oncologist with results of MY EXPERIMENT using alternative cancer therapies in a 30 day period with a before/after set of PetScans as measurement...I shrunk my tumor 40%. I had Stage-4 laryngeal cancer & I can prove all that. As a post cancer maintenance therapy I do a 6-Day fenbendazole treatment regiment every 4-6 weeks, just to keep it gone. Yes there are human fenbendazole pills but unless you have parasites try getting a "Doctor" (I spat on ground) to prescribe. So where do I get mine? Canine dewormer powder...neutral powder with 222mg fenbendazole per gram. I've taken 72 treatment doses over last year & 1/2. Anyone poo-pooing the MARKETING of medicine is protecting the DEEP STATE PHARMA DOPE PUSHERS and can fuckoff. 👈🏻
Here's some perspective. It's "Marketing Anathema". Ivermectin Horse Paste; humans AND ALL MAMMALS take 200mcg/Kilo body weight. You are a mammal. The human pills are the exact same drug in pill form. There's nothing in the horse paste that makes it different except neutral gel and apple flavoring. You can get mammal antibiotics and take them too as long as you dose it right. We're talking mammals here. I'm a cancer survivor and shocked my Oncologist with results of MY EXPERIMENT using alternative cancer therapies in a 30 day period with a before/after set of PetScans as measurement...I shrunk my tumor 40%. I had Stage-4 laryngeal cancer & I can prove all that. As a post cancer maintenance therapy I do a 6-Day fenbendazole treatment regiment every 4-6 weeks, just to keep it gone. Yes there are human fenbendazole pills but unless you have parasites try getting a "Doctor" (I spat on ground) to prescribe. So where do I get mine? Canine dewormer powder...neutral powder with 222mg fenbendazole per gram. I've taken 72 treatment doses over last year & 1/2. Anyone poo-pooing the MARKETING of medicine is protecting the DEEP STATE PHARMA DOPE PUSHERS and can fuckoff. 👈🏻