Does anybody know anyone (under the age of 18) that has died from Covid?
Then why the f*ck are we vaccinating kids?
Does anybody know anyone (under the age of 18) that has died from Covid?
Then why the f*ck are we vaccinating kids?
Because they are afraid kids will spread it to them even though they're vaccinated.
At this point there is no logic. HERE is the entire liberal rationale
Get vaccinated so we get back to normal, but hey wait, the vaccine just decreases your symptoms, oh and you'll need to put your mask back on because you can still spread it, also kids don't die from it but they can spread it back to us (even if the symptoms are reduced) and therefore we'll spread it amongst ourselves. what's that? You're mad? Good, me too, this is the unvaccinated's fault so be mad at the plague rats for not getting the shot. I realize it makes no sense, but Trust The Science.
So they want to expose kids to an experimental vaccine to protect themselves?
This makes me so sad.
What happened to sacrificing for your kids?
We are the most selfish generation ever.
These are the same people that brag about getting an abortion…you shouldn’t be that shocked.