Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree it should be kicked back to the states for sure. We’re pretty much in total agreement honestly.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Have you seen some of these “legal” abortion offices?

I have a friend who had an abortion when she was young and they perforated her uterus and she almost died. Took her years and lots of money and miscarriages to have a baby later in life.

This happens all the time and is why I don’t buy that it’s so much safer now.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Makes no sense…if the ocean levels rise…wouldn’t all the coastal areas be affected? Sure you have some coast lines that are cliffs or what not but even there the water level would be higher right? You can’t put more water in a body of water and only have the water level rise on 90% of it.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

I know, I was thinking wait, aren’t Orlando bloom and will smith not that far apart in age?

Bungleweed 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s a sign in my town that flashes.

Covid testing- number Covid Vaccine- number Pray for Ukraine Pray for peace

It just reminds me of programming

Bungleweed 4 points ago +4 / -0

It’s not the same book but always the same part of the book

Bungleweed 3 points ago +3 / -0

That’s a tough one with the kids, but it may have been for the best. My dad almost died after surgery once and I went to see him in the ICU and as weak as it sounds it traumatized me just a bit. Like almost 20 years later I still dream about how frail, thin and grey he looked.

Bungleweed 3 points ago +3 / -0

Last night at a gas station I saw two black guys trying to provoke a group of like 6-7 white teenagers who had just gotten done hunting clearly. Phone up, nice clothes, best lit gas station in town, right before closing. I wonder if some memo went out…

Bungleweed 6 points ago +6 / -0

All the ancient gods are very similar anyway…I think it’s more a mixed doctrine.

by gamepwn
Bungleweed 2 points ago +2 / -0

I’ve always enjoyed the hunger games most out of all the teen 4 movies series that came out because it always felt the most realistic to me. No special powers or sects you have to be separated in to. Just elites fucking over the rest of the country and enjoying bloodsports.

One of my favorite scenes is when the rebels storm the dam to blow it up and they just keep coming after the bullets start flying. I have to believe at some point any populous would do the same…

Bungleweed 7 points ago +7 / -0

It’s the padlock that gets me…can’t say I’ve never climbed in a small space to see if I could…then again, I’m not an intelligence agent.

Bungleweed 6 points ago +6 / -0

Yeah, I mean…he swears NOW, the doctors fixed his problem. But back then he had a condition…

Bungleweed 0 points ago +1 / -1

Right? Isn’t that racism or something? I remember a few years back it was all “stop stealing our men, you’re killing our race and diluting our culture” (which i feel like would be ultimate racism is a white person said it but white ppl don’t have culture so….)

Now diluting the black community is fine?

Bungleweed 2 points ago +2 / -0

It’s been happening with a few things here. They give me that line and I’m like, yeah well…that’s what the sign says…

Bungleweed 6 points ago +6 / -0

I’m gonna preface this by saying I liked Trump, he did a pretty good job with what he was given and the challenges he faced, but I’ve never been a trump flag person. So don’t come at me with “well your orange lord can do no wrong” because he can.

I would like to know more about these many people that are taking it because trump said it was ok. Is this in your personal life? Because all the people I know have either already made up their minds about getting it and aren’t going to listen to trump either way or they feel like you and don’t understand why trump is “pushing it”. The crowd boos him when he brings it up, I don’t think that many are being convinced. “Trump said it was ok” was never a reason I heard from anyone, anywhere. Not saying they don’t exist I just think it’s not many at all.

I mean, he’s kinda stuck. What is he now gonna come out and say “oh wait, no DONT take it now…” I do get what your saying. I think this is more of a “painted yourself into a corner” situation. Sure WE would be ecstatic if he came out and did that. So would the other guys. You can’t turn it around and say “well you guys thought it was a bad idea last year” because we’ve already done that and we’re the only ones who cared. There’s honestly not much to be gained.

I’m sorry, the type of person who would listen to a political personality on what they should do with their health was gonna get it either way.

OR, and I know this is crazy to even be saying here but you can’t discount something because it unpleasant, maybe it’s all 2 sides of the same coin and we’ve already lost.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Omg it lives…I was seriously starting to think she was in a hole somewhere with a self inflicted Colombian neck tie.

Bungleweed 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yeah, it depends on the length of the fever or how high it is. Like once, I had bacterial pneumonia and it hit hard and fast. I went from feeling poorly to a 105.7 fever in less than a day and my mom had to call for an ambulance Bc there was too much snow.

My youngest had a 104.7 the last high fever he had. That’s the one where everyone freaked out I didn’t take him to the ER. It spiked up pretty fast, he wasn’t having febrile seizures or anything like that. No other symptoms at all at that point actually. I gave him some meds and used cool wet rags on him and got it down 3 degrees in less than an hour, then it kept going down. I did have to take them both to the dr like a week later Bc they were still running fevers. They had an “unspecified respiratory virus that we’ve seen going around”. Jan 2020.

But I’ve also been in the ER, waiting to be seen, only to watch as they take a kid to triage, give them tylonal, and then have them wait to see if it comes down in the waiting room. If it does they recommend them to go to the pediatricians office the next day. You hear the moms bitching about it in the waiting room.

Bungleweed 10 points ago +10 / -0

I’ve taken my kids for stitches when they’ve fallen out of bed but my friends think it’s weird I don’t take them for high fevers (obviously not TOO high) but honestly what is an ER gonna do for a fever with no dehydration or localized pain? Tylonal? Ice packs? I can do that at home.

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