FLASH POLL: Do we need a new flair that says, "NO WE FUCKING AREN'T, YOU WORTHLESS POS DEEP STATE GLOWIE FAGGOTS?" Comment with Y/N. Thx!
🧠 These people are stupid!

Also if you can find a way to make the guy that says boom at 1:16 into a giphy for this site I would be most happy. I like this boom better than the other boom on here lol.
But that's just me I watch this video often.
I just wish I could slow it down so I can better appreciate some of the finer points. I used to walk faster and think faster. Old age ain't for sissies. So frustrating.
Yeah rumble seems to be missing some key features.
That is a good BOOM!
Yep my favorite.
Very mood-upgrading,
Yes it definitely is.