FLASH POLL: Do we need a new flair that says, "NO WE FUCKING AREN'T, YOU WORTHLESS POS DEEP STATE GLOWIE FAGGOTS?" Comment with Y/N. Thx!
🧠 These people are stupid!
Left wing extremists have been busily destroying this country for a century. Right wing extremists, the few who exist, are hardly noticeable and utterly toothless.
Even though [they] call ANY American patriot a far-right extremist, there's no actual appetite for far-right extremism or white supremacy. Zero. Anyone here who promotes that is downvoted to oblivion and deported.
Whites want equality and an end to the bickering and race-baiting. Whites are basically the only people who revere and adhere to the words of MLK, "content of character over color of skin" and "nonviolent protest".
Most (not all) blacks have been trained to be ungrateful for their highest standard of living among any African people who ever lived, and to think they deserve reparations, black supremacy, looting, free stuff, and white genocide.