MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 05:20]
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:34]
NSA = "Good Guys"?
NSA = "Patriot Act"?
NSA = "Mass surveillance"?
Who was the 17th Director of the NSA?
NSA data_bridge DNC-Crowdstrike [bulk data collection]
The SWAMP runs deep.
Shadow Brokers release actual code (NSA_key(s)).
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:47]
What if MJ12 ordered the stand down of 9/11 because it was necessary to allow the attack to go through?
Why would MJ12 do that?
Why would MJ12 allow 9/11 to happen?
What if you're fighting a 6,000 year old death cult?
What if you knew they were going to take the twin towers down?
What if [they] knew, just as [they] did with Kennedy prior to his 187?
How do you set a trap?
Why did 9/11 happen?
Endless Wars = $$$
Who worships $$$?
Endless Wars = ]Pandemic Levels of Child Sex Trafficking[ + ]Pandemic Levels of Slave Trading[
If Endless Wars == ??? then does $$$ = ???
Who benefited the most out of Endless Wars?
Who protects convicted pedophiles in America with dual citizenship?
Who teaches their children that everyone is racist?
Who really teaches their children that everyone is racist against them?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:50]
Now ask yourself the question again.
Why did MJ12 order the stand down of 9/11?
Did the order impact the CoC?
MIL Assets?
Intel Assets?
Political Assets?
Dominon Over The Truth?
[Election Integrity]?
What if allowing the attack that was planned for years to go through would have created a chain of events that not even the US Military could stop?
What is Karma?
What if US Military couldn't stop 9/11?
Were planes used?
Was Fake News exploited?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:56]
What if we needed [them] to install homeland spyware so MJ12 could track [their] activities?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:57]
What would be needed to undo it all?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:57]
Who was elected in 2016?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:57]
Who was selected in 2016?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:57]
Who was installed in 2020?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 06:57]
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 07:00] So did NSA & CIA stand the US Government down for 9/11? WHY?
MJ12 Speaks @TS_SCI_MAJIC12, [03.09.21 07:04] [ Photo ]
We will not protect children online by implementing CSAM detection on our platform until our shareholders [China] signs off on it. - [TIM APPLE]
This this this
The stunt at the funeral, making each swamper view an image (probably) in an envelope, is one of the biggest hopium events ever. And Trump made sure that exactly as the casket was going by, W had to show Laura something that made her turn white as a ghost and get the sickest look any human ever got on their face, as she asked W "Is this true?" and he said "Yep" and stared at his shoelaces. AS HIS FATHER'S CASKET IS GOING PAST. She shows Jeb, who upon seeing it instantly drops his hand from his heart, forgets all about Poppy, and looks over at Trump in abject, speechless horror.
Something is going to happen to that family. Something yuge.