The big X class flairs are a problem. Lots of energy moving close to speed of light. A bigger problem is the relatively slow moving CME. Moving at a snails pace 5/1000 the speed of light, a mere 3 million miles pr. hour, a bubble of really hot welding slag, aka "fire and brimstone". The only proofing for that is to get missed.
We monitor solar activity around the clock and have remedial plans in place to prevent widespread permanent damage.
But something like that event I’d still expect fairly substantial outages. I always recommend at least 6 week plan in the event of a blackout but have 60days+ myself on-hand
If we were to experience another Carrington Event, how do you think we would fare?
The big X class flairs are a problem. Lots of energy moving close to speed of light. A bigger problem is the relatively slow moving CME. Moving at a snails pace 5/1000 the speed of light, a mere 3 million miles pr. hour, a bubble of really hot welding slag, aka "fire and brimstone". The only proofing for that is to get missed.
We monitor solar activity around the clock and have remedial plans in place to prevent widespread permanent damage.
But something like that event I’d still expect fairly substantial outages. I always recommend at least 6 week plan in the event of a blackout but have 60days+ myself on-hand